Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We've been busy decorating the house for Christmas.
I love this time of year!
I love the decorations, the smells, the way that everything seems to be a little less ordinary.
How great is it that God has given us this great time of year to celebrate THE MOST wonderful and extraordinary gift EVER.
The birth of Jesus.
Before we had children Rob and I agreed that Christian Holidays should be different. They should be about something more than all of the made up, imaginary, junk.
So we eliminated the false aspects from our traditions.
There have been moments when I have wondered if we were doing the right thing. Moments when I've had to debate the issues in the middle of Walmart or had to tell a little old lady why my kids aren't concerned with SC. But now that the kids are getting older I'm so thankful that they know why we celebrate Christmas & Easter. They aren't consumed with worrying about things that aren't true. They get gifts, they know where those gifts come from, and they know that they are getting those gifts because we love them.
And they know what is TRUE.
God sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to live a pure and sinless life and to give up that life so that His people will be saved.
Nothing needs to be added to help celebrate Jesus' birth. Jesus doesn't need the help of a fat man in red, or a giant egg laying rabbit, or me! He is sufficient, He is perfect, He is God!

"Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

Metz really loves taking off with the ornaments!
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