Thursday, August 20, 2009

Faircloth Happenings

It finally happened....

no, the house has not sold. No, we haven't moved. No, I haven't won the lottery.

Metz Monster has Asthma! I knew it was coming. The poor boy is allergic to everything but I still almost missed it! He had a terrible night Monday night. He just couldn't breath but he still ran around playing like a wild man so I almost didn't take him to the doctor. I am so thankful that I did. The meds are making him even more active than usual but he is starting to feel better.

In other news...we started school this week. Brooks is in the 4th grade. What? I don't know how that happened. Eli and Audrey are both doing the same work but we say he is in 1st and she is in K. That's the joy of homeschooling...they are what I say they are :)

Eli learned to ride his bike Sunday, and by Wed. he was building ramps and going cross country. I think we may have some more ER visits in our future.
The joys of parenthood...
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Molly said...

the bucket picture is cute! you'll have to ask Rob, but Metz's face reminds me of Paul Hayes - but only in this photo.

Katie said...

cutest picture ever! i am sorry about the asthma but at least he's acting like he feels okay - albeit wild!!!

grandma laverne said...

Hate that he has asthma but sure hope today's meds will help him out. The bucket pic is too cute! He seems like such a lively little boy. Eli is also making strides and I can't realize Brooks is in 4th grade. Time sure gets by fast.