Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm Baaack

The camera is finally fixed. It wasn't the battery after all but it was an easy, and inexpensive, fix.
I am sooo happy to have my camera back!
It's been a busy month! We've finished another year of school, had several people look at the house, and endured... survived... enjoyed another year of VBS.

I decided to color my hair it???

Eli's lip is healing nicely. The doctor that stitched hm up was concerned about Eli's ability to pucker up since he was having to stitch up the muscle.
The scar is fading and Eli is a cute as ever!
Brooks, on the other hand, doesn't want you to know whether or not he's cute. This is the best picture I could get of him!
We've been spending a lot of time outside in the little kiddie pool. it's been super hot so this has been a daily activity.

Oh, and the hair's really not so bad!

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