Friday, October 8, 2010


So, long time no blog, huh. I can't say I have any grand excuses. Just busy with life and all my extra brain power (there's not much, believe me) is going to school, church planting, and trying to keep up with all of the places we have to be. life....
Last night Audrey clogged at the fair. She did such a good job. All of the girls did. It gave us a much needed excuse to just go and play at the fair.
The kids all had fun riding the rides and the big kids were even willing to ride the "baby" rides so that Metz could ride.
Eli hates being alone.  He sat like this for the entire ride.
But, in the end, everyone had a great time.


Molly said...

I've been wanting to go to the fair!

grandma laverne said...

So have I! So glad you all went and enjoyed yourselves.

Also glad you had time to blog again.