Monday, November 1, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

We have had a whirlwind weekend. It started off on Sat. morning with choir practice, then Audrey had her Halloween Clogging Recital. She dressed us as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz complete with ruby red slippers and Toto in her basket.

After she clogged she handed out candy and played some of the games that the older girls had set up.
Eli got a TON of candy! Just what we need. :) As soon as that was over we headed across town to hand out candy and hot chocolate for Covenant Grace Baptist.

We really desire to be a part of the community of Troy, as a whole, and not just one "target" area so we picked a couple of neighborhoods and served hot chocolate to the parents of the trick or treaters while talking to them about Covenant Grace and "dropping threads" about the gospel.
Through our mission trip to MS over the summer and talking to people over the weekend I have really been convicted about my inability to boldly tell people about Jesus.  It's not that I don't know what to say....I have the knowledge, but, actually talking with people is a completely different thing.
The boys jumped right in and helped serve people as they came up.
Audrey somehow charmed this nice lady into letting her hold this 3 week old baby....
she was adorable but wow.
We wrapped it up around 8:30 and went home and crashed.
Sunday morning we woke up bright and early and went to church and, that afternoon headed out to the Fall Festival. Audrey reprised her role as Dorothy and Metz dressed up as a boxer.

 Complete with a washboard stomach!
When we left there we headed over to another neighborhood and repeated the events from the night before! Needless to say, Metz is a little cranky today!


Molly said...

I need one of those Covenant tshirts. Where do I sign up?

What were Brooks and Eli? Army men or hunters?

Carrie said...

We have somextra shirts. E-mail me what size and I'll get Rob to send you one.

Brooks & Eli were army men. I had to work a game at the Fall Festival, and we were late, so I didn't get any good pictures of them.

grandma laverne said...

Please find me a shirt also, size 16. You all had such a fun weekend!