Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Heart Spring

It's not that it ever really gets cold here. We still wear short sleeves in the winter and the kids still run around with bare feet. But there is just something about spring! The air smells better, the birds are chirping, and you can spot random bunnies or fox squirrels running through the yard. This morning Eli and I even saw a huge black bird swoop down and catch a mole. It was way cool. They could shoot and episode of wild kingdom around here!
As I notice all of the beautiful shades of green and all of the different types of birds and animals I can't help but think about how great God is. He created all of these things and each one of us and even though we are all sinners He planned, even before we were created, a way for us to be reconciled to Him. Through the perfect life and horrible death of His Son we have been redeemed! And we can be sure that our punishment has been payed because Jesus is no longer dead. He is alive and we can look forward to, with great anticipation, the day that we will be with our Father, our Creator, our Redeemer in Heaven.

(fox squirrel that was playing in the yard)

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