Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I painted this to go in Metz's room above his bed. It's not perfect but it was free!
We've been spending a lot of time outside this week. Is it just me or is the pollen a lot worse this year?
Brooks has been hard at work building things. You can check out his blog later to see his latest creations. I loaded the photos so he should update it soon.
Audrey and Metz have been riding down hills on his dump truck and having a blast! He is quite the little dare devil.

In other Metz news....he has officially decided that he is a dog. I can not keep him out of Scout's water and food bowls.
At least he's willing to share.

Hope you are having a great week!
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1 comment:

grandma laverne said...

Glad Metz is still enjoying the dumptruck!