Thursday, April 8, 2010

Preacher Boy

I'm a big believer in preparing children for changes before they come. That way they can prepare themselves and it makes the transition much easier. Well, today the boys and I were talking about a change that is, hopefully, on the horizon and about what that would mean for them. I was explaining to them that in many ways when a pastor is hired to shepherd a church his family is also hired. Things are expected of them and their behavior. They seemed to understand but after a short pause Eli says, " So they're going to want me to preach too?" He seemed completely happy about that and confident in his ability to deliver a sermon.
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Molly said...

That photo is great.

That boy is amazing.

Might there be news?

grandma laverne said...

Hope it won't be long before you, Rob and the kids are situated with a church.